Token distribution

For the DieHarder project, envisioning a strategic token distribution is crucial to ensure the long-term sustainability and success of the ecosystem. The following is a proposed token distribution model for DieHarder, designed to balance the needs of development, community engagement, and future growth:

DieHarder Token Distribution Plan:

Token Total Supply:9,860,000,000

Community and Ecosystem (40%): A significant portion of the tokens should be allocated to the community and ecosystem. This includes rewards for community engagement, incentives for content creators, funding community-driven initiatives, and supporting ecosystem partnerships.

Development and Team (20%): To support ongoing development, maintenance, and innovation, a portion of the tokens would be reserved for the project team. This ensures that the team is motivated and financially supported to continue their work on the project.

Reserve Fund (15%): A reserve fund is crucial for the long-term stability and contingency planning of the project. This fund can be used for unforeseen expenses, emergency situations, or new opportunities that require additional funding.

Marketing and Promotion (10%): Effective marketing and promotional activities are essential for growing the DieHarder community and increasing token adoption. This allocation will be used for marketing campaigns, community events, and outreach programs.

Advisors and Partnerships (10%): Advisors and strategic partners play a key role in the growth and success of the project. Allocating tokens to them ensures their continued support and collaboration.

Private Sale and Initial Funding (5%): Early investors and supporters who contribute to the initial funding of the project should be allocated a percentage of the tokens. This not only provides them with a return on their investment but also aligns their interests with the success of the project.

This distribution model is designed to ensure that the DieHarder project has a balanced allocation of tokens, supporting essential areas such as development, community engagement, and growth strategies. It is also crucial to ensure transparency and fairness in the distribution process to build trust within the community and with external stakeholders.

Last updated